We are constantly adding new products to our line and are in the process of updating our database. The list below is continuously being updated so please check back often. If you have any questions regarding any of the products we carry, please contact us or download our complete product list.

To request prices or a visit by a sales representative please call us.

Call Us

(713) 675-7773

Visit Us

1230 Krees Street, Houston, TX 77020

GQI is proud to offer some of the most sought after and unique wines on the market. Our buyers import wines from all over the world as well as bringing our customers the best selections from California’s Napa Valley, Sonoma County, Central and South Coast.Our dedicated on premise team will ensure your staff has the knowledge and tools to increase your wine sales and improve your bottom line. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our selections or would like to schedule a tasting of any of our wines.

Asian Wines

We are constantly adding new products to our line and are in the process of updating our database. The list is continuously being updated so please check back often. If you have any questions regarding any of the products we carry, please contact us or download our complete product list.

To request prices or a visit by a sales representative please call us.


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